MENtoring with Scott

About MENtoring For Men
Scott Brady
We all experience seasons when we are need of guidance and mentorship. Scott offers online mentorship for men and men's groups. Scott has walked a path where he has gained the knowledge & wisdom needed to offer MENtoring to those seeking to move forward in life.
MENtoring Topics Include:
Making A Career Shift
Maximizing Your Personal Bible Study
Leading Your Way
Shepherding Well (For Pastor & Elders)
Don't Be Naive (Wise As Serpents & Innocent As Doves)
Moving from Religion to Relationship
Navigating Difficult Life Challenges
Building Your Life After Divorce
Choosing Wisely
These are a few examples of MENtoring Topics Scott can cover with you. We understand that the topic you may need will not be listed above. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask about the topic of your choice. We will let you know if it is a topic Scott is able to assist you with on your journey and customize a program that best fits your individual or group needs.